Tuesday, March 12, 2013

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 2

Where you'd like to be in ten years?

This is the million dollar question.. I honestly have no idea where I want to be. Ten years from now I will be 30. I would HOPE to be a Registered Nurse (which I am in school for currently), married, with maybe a child or two. If I am single, with no children.. well that's perfectly fine with me. I'm not one of those people who spends a lot of time dwelling on a plan and trying to stick to it. I like to say that I am a open minded, open spirited, free person.. I attempt to let things "go with the flow" although it is difficult to do sometimes. Also, ten years from now I would love to have traveled out of the US, this is one thing that I determined to accomplish, whether I have to wash dishes at a Mexican restaurant to save the money or not. I AM GOING TO ENGLAND. SPAIN. FRANCE.. That's all for now, I didn't enjoy this topic. :(

XOXO, Amanda

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