Tuesday, March 12, 2013

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 3

You're top 5 pet peeves.

1. People who chew gum like a cow. You know what I'm talking about? The full on open mouth chomping.

2. People that you don't know who are trying to be competive with you. Example: I have this guy that sits next to me in class who tries to constantly get better grades than me. I get my exam back and I usually get a higher grade than he does but one time he got 2 points more than me... and basically he shoved his test in my face and I was like.. Get outta here.

3. People who say "like" alot of times in a sentence.

4. People who don't know the difference between "know" and "now" or "You're" "your"..and.. "their" "there" "they're".

5. "K" I assume you know what I am talking about.

XOXO, Amanda

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